
Aristide No. 1 v2.0.0 Released

After another year of programming and voicing version 2 of Aristide No. 1 is finally available. Aristide No. 1 v2 tries to bring the bombastic sound of the famous Cavaillé-Coll organ of Saint-Ouen of Rouen to Hauptwerk. The sample set tries to mimic the visual and tonal features of this fantastic organ as close as possible.

Voicing for version 2 was mainly performed by Thorsten Wege, who already voiced the highly appraised Grand Symphonic Cavaillé-Coll (GSCC) sample set. I would like to thank Thorsten for his patience. He tested uncounted beta versions. We did not stop until we were fully satisfied with the functional, optical and tonal results. Sound samples of Aristide No. 1 version 2 can be found at the bottom of this page.

Aristide No. 1 v2 reduces the requirements for commercial sample sets. It requires now “only” two commercial sample sets and one demo sample set:

The Saint-Maximin sample set is not required anymore, as the mixtures have been reconstructed using ranks from Caen and Metz.

Aristide No. 1 v2 is a stereo sample set, although it contains a couple of front and rear ranks. These additional ranks helped to make the sound more vivid and to create a better “cathedral feeling”.

Aristide No. 1 v2 uses another UniqueOrganID as v1. This allows the installation of both versions in parallel and to compare features and sound side-by-side.

This update is free for all existing users of Aristide No. 1 v1. We hope that you like this update as much as we do. Interested people can find further information in the manual. The download link for the manual can be found on the right side.

New features:

Major workflow redesign to allow easier future updates.

Working stops and combination pedals in the console view added.

  • Mixtures (REC Carillon I-III, BOMB Fourniture V, POS Plein-jeu V) now modeled after the original Cavaillé-Coll specifications.
  • Several stops have been exchanged or enhanced:
  • REC Viole de gambe 8 (Metz ▻ Caen)
  • REC Viole d’amour 4 (Caen front rank ▻ Caen rear rank)
  • REC Voix céleste 8 (Metz ▻ Caen)
  • REC Basson-Hautbois 8 (Metz ▻ Caen)
  • REC Tuba magna 16 (rear ranks added)
  • REC Trompette harmonique 8 and Clairon harmonique 4 (Metz ▻ Caen front and rear)
  • GO Clairon en chamade 4 (Saint-Maximin / Caen ▻ Dom Bedos Demo)
  • The combination pedal ‘Appel d’anches Positif’ now imitates the behavior of the combination pedal of the original organ: when pushed (non-latching) the two Positif stops Trompette 8 and Clairon 4 are engaged (disengaging both stops currently does not (yet) work).

Bug fixes:

  • While working on another project, we detected an undocumented bug in the ODF compiler, which affects the voicing of the key release noises. Corrected using a workaround.
  • Corrected some minor graphical issues (finally, all graphic files have been touched and slightly improved).
  • Some ranks were placed on the wrong wind-chest. I do not know, whether this has any audible effect. But anyhow, corrected.
  • GO Salicional 8 was under expression. Corrected.
  • Improved tremulants for Metz Récit ranks.
  • The mapping of several ranks has been improved. Every sample can now be voiced using the correct corresponding MIDI number.
  • Some ranks were implemented inefficiently and required more RAM than necessary.